FTP Accounts Backup

If you want to offer Backup Services Ftp Server this is the indispensable tool!
This mod will allow your customers to be able to buy packets of FTP Backup via WHMCS.
Your clients will only have FTP access.
When the pay product will be activated automatically, as well as hosting packages.
And will send the customer a welcome email, FTP Accounts with login details.
The mod works with the Webuzo Panel.
Inside the WHMCS to this customer area will be able to see how many GB of space have bought, how much they use, and how much they have left.
When you exceed 80% of the area of the customer will get an Email notification.
When you exceed 90% of the area of the Admin will get a notification Email.
The Mod works with the WHMCS 7.4
It is very simple to install.